Since COVID-19 hit our world, this past year has turned our lives upside down. 2020 was a personal life changing year with ever changing economical hardship. While remote work and online schooling have become the new normal, countless jobs were lost due to financial cutbacks and business closures left millions without stable sources of income. A fluctuating rate of cases and millions of country-wide deaths stunned our nation as new...

The entire world is currently facing an abundance of strife and there does not seem to be an end in sight, due to COVID-19 - also known as the Corona Virus. People have lost their jobs through being laid off, or in some cases fired. People are unsure as to how they are going to pay their bills for the remainder of the month, let alone the year. They are...

Struggling to Make Ends Meet? Welcome to the reality of many individuals worldwide- especially NOW, thanks to our not so friendly friend, COVID-19. What if you could say goodbye to the stress and anxiety that comes from struggling to make ends meet, living pay cheque to pay cheque, being burdened by debt and constantly living under the weight of job insecurity? Fund One, Fund All What if you could harness...

Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat – is This All There is? Society has become a fast-paced, difficult place to live, never mind to actually thrive in. For the majority of people, excessive work hours have become the necessity in order to meet basic financial obligations – with many not even being able to meet those obligations. Every day seems to be a struggle just to get by. This type of life...

Are You Considering a Crowdfunding Campaign? Crowdfunding has become a very innovative tool that many in today’s society have chosen to avail themselves of for thousands of different reasons, although the three main areas are most commonly personal, charitable, and business. If you are considering starting a crowd sourced funding campaign for personal reasons, as a philanthropic endeavor, or to help your business, there has never been a better time...

Everyone is Working to Go Nowhere Fast The anxiety our society is facing these days is hard, heavy and unavoidable, especially when one factors in how hard everyone is working to go nowhere fast. Never mind saving for a vacation, or for an emergency! Most people work to cover expenses, or worse yet, work to pay off debt, while incurring more debt because they can’t afford their day to day...

Are You Financially Secure? Financial security. Sadly, this is a very abstract concept for many in today’s society. Most of us work just to make ends meet. Some of us are just barely living pay cheque to pay cheque. For others it is much worse. A lot of people find that even the wages they earn do not support their basic needs and they seek help from businesses that claim...

Do you have dreams that you would like to pursue but have never been able to figure out how? You Are Not Alone. It seems that in today’s fast-paced, every-second-micro-managed society everyone is facing the same challenges; time constraints;insufficient funds, and;day-to-day commitments such as family, work and social obligations. These are just a few of the obstacles most people face when trying to create a plan for a better life. ...

Great Planning and Positive Thinking Everything begins with a story – including success. What starts out as a thought process in a person’s mind develops into an internal dialogue and then eventually into a well thought out story. But great planning and positive thinking will only get a person so far. A common mistake many make when creating their story is not allowing others in to help. What if there...

You've surely heard it before - keep your ego in check. You don't want to be the overbearing boss. And there's merit to that notion. Who hasn't dealt with the overachieving colleague who is constantly pushing their way as the only way? It's not a lot of fun and can lead to all too much friction. But as in so many things, moderation here is the key. Sure, too much...