In today's day and age, smartphones are more prevalent than they've ever been. One need only take a look at the people around them as they go about their day to see countless Blackberries, iPhones, and one of the many, many Android offerings currently on the market. Tablets too are increasingly popular, with almost every major electronics manufacturer in business today having one on the market. People are connected to the...

You've crunched the numbers. You've fine tuned your product. Every i has been dotted, every t crossed. Every conceivable thing you can think of has been taken care of. You've planned, you've budgeted, you've built your team, your marketing is ready to go. It's time for you to put your business out there in the world for all to see. Nervous? Don't be. This is probably the hardest part of...

Social media is the single fastest growing method of staying connected with your client base. In today's ultra-connected world, there is no better way to link up with your clients, providing them with useful information, and getting immediate feedback in return. But you know this already, I've written about it before. If you've been following my advice, you should already have fairly active social media accounts. The shift in the...

I want you all to think about a hypothetical situation. For some reason, the government has decided they want to audit your business. They want to see sales reports, payroll, the whole nine yards. There's just one problem. All these necessary reports are scattered about your home office, strewn haphazardly across multiple areas on multiple computers, or both. You know you have all the reports requested (or you think you...

We're just about into August now, the last full month of summer vacation before the young ones head back to school. Feel free to take a moment and breathe a sigh of relief. All done? Okay, good. Now down to business. There are many people out there who do the stay at home parent thing, while their partner works. And that's fine, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you...

Technology is progressing at an insanely fast rate. Since starting this blog the software we use has gone through multiple iterations, each bringing with it new and ever more useful features, allowing us to do more, and in turn, give you more. Think about this for a second. High speed internet was a new and exciting thing a scant twelve years ago. Now it's in almost every home in North...

This is a subject we've touched on multiple times on this blog. The reason for that is because it is of the utmost importance in all facets of life, not just business. We've talked about how to properly make a good first impression, telling the difference between confidence and cockiness, communicating effectively via social networking, the importance of communicating over marketing, and so many others. It wouldn't be too much...

It's been a while since I've started a post with this, so here's one for nostalgia's sake. There's an old saying that goes "think outside the box." You'll hear this one a lot in life. Work, school, social interactions, this particular phrase pops up literally everywhere. I'm sure I've even said it on this blog once or twice before really giving it some serious thought. And after doing so, I've...

It is no exaggeration to say that the Internet is one of the most disruptive inventions in human history, and is completely indispensable in modern life. Through the advent of the Internet, the world has become connected like never before, and with that connection comes endless business opportunities ripe for the picking. Countless companies have risen from the from the online world to revolutionize entire industries. For example: Amazon took online shopping, already a growing...

Nobody likes spam. It’s that simple. But there aren’t many people out there who like being left in the dark, either, and as an entrepreneur, you need to make effective use of every tool at your disposal to ensure that you get your message out to your target market. There’s no denying that email remains one of the most cost-effective and quickest methods of communicating with your client and customer...