In a world of unity, what really defines the word of action is the conscious effort in which we hold ourselves accountable. To be an ally is to be a part of the force of change. As change is gradually implemented through the unlearning and relearning of what it means to be an equality-based society. The accessibility to resources is more attainable than ever before! One of the greatest assets...

The New Year's resolution is an ancient tradition, and it remains extremely popular to this day. Of course, keeping up with those resolutions is a lot harder than making them! That's alright though; it's worth making the effort. The truly important part is the recognition of the role that awareness plays in self-improvement. By thinking about the changes you want to make, you visualize the need for those changes and...

We live in a fast-paced, hectic world. There are so many factors shaping our lives and pulling us in different directions. As a result, there is a unique and special joy that comes from taking a day to enjoy the company of your family. For many people, today is that day. I have been fortunate enough to receive many blessings in my life, but none can compare to my daughter....

If you're a regular reader, you know all about the Cooperative Age - the ongoing transition to an economic environment that has seen major corporations and institutions stumble and collapse under the disruption of advancing technology and the weight of their own greed. Though this has spelled disaster for many of those who relied on such institutions, it is an unparalleled opportunity for those with the wherewithal and dedication to secure...

I have to share this because there is a strong message here. In 2014, I was watching the news about how a Canadian corporation was helping out the victims of a recent storm that struck Canada. They were handing out hundred dollar food cards to help those who lost food in the power outage; however, they ran out and many people didn't get cards even after waiting for hours in...