Hi, I'm David T Rosen, and it is my privilege and honor to use this space to share my experiences as an entrepreneur and business leader. I'm quite busy, as you can imagine, but I like to stop in here from time to time and post my thoughts about life, business, and the ongoing transition to a new economic structure that emphasizes - indeed, requires - individual entrepreneurial endeavor. Or...

We've all heard the cliche "practice makes perfect". And it can, if you're doing it right. But it's not necessarily going to make things perfect. In fact, it might not be helping you at all. Consider a golf swing. You can work on it over and over, day after day, but if you're simply replicating your own bad form then you're not actually getting better - you're just further entrenching...
Everybody loves a clever marketing campaign. You've certainly seen a catchy ad on TV or in the newspaper before, and during the Super Bowl companies often compete to have the most eye-catching and memorable commercial. It's great fun. But is it helpful? Do you remember the most clever ad from the last Super Bowl? I don't. In fact, most people don't after a day or two. Even worse, some ads...

It's a fact of life that there's always more work to be done. It wouldn't be hard to spend all your waking hours working on your business, and in fact many entrepreneurs do just that - often experiencing serious burnout when they push it too far. It feels good to be hard at work, and entrepreneurs often seem to wear their sleepless nights like badges of honour as a signal...

Working together with a partner or a team can have great benefits for any business: more hands available to get work done, more eyes open for opportunities and pitfalls, and more brains pitching ideas and coming up with solutions. Building a strong team and leading new team members to greater success is also personally rewarding for all involved. However, it also comes with its own set of unique difficulties. Personalities...

You may not know this, but today is my birthday (I'm turning 24, of course), and I'd like to do something a little difference. Most people like to make resolutions on New Year's Eve, and a lot of people use birthdays as a chance to take stock of their lives and identify areas where they'd like to change, but I never have because I'm a self-starter and don't care for...

The brain is tricky thing. It's the most important organ in the body, yet also the least well understood. However, scientists have spent years unlocking its complexity, and although they have not yet mastered the brain, they've learned a great deal about it. One of the most important lessons thus far has been on the value of habits. Your brain is a muscle like any other. When you work out...

I talk a lot about business, but in an era personified by the entrepreneur and personal monetization, the business and the personal have become inextricably entangled. That makes managing your personal life an integral part of how you run your business. Now, there’s a lot of opinion about the best way to manage your personal life. Some of it is straight genetics; some of it is upbringing and culture. Some...

If you're like most people, you like being right. And why wouldn't you? It's good to have an accurate view of the world around us, and it feels pretty great to be on the right side of an argument. There's certainly nothing wrong with being right. However, there's more to the story than just being right. If you're a warrior, then you need as few enemies as possible - the...

Recently, I wrote about how important results are. I'd like to expand on that thought a little further, because it's incredibly important to success - in life, and in business. We live in a society made up of billions of people interacting all the time. With so much going on, it can be difficult to track back responsibility for successes and failures. When things go wrong, people naturally make excuses...