In business, it's good to look the part. In fact, many larger businesses have a dress code - not just the traditional suit and tie that you'll find in an office, but construction workers have a dress code of Mir auch viagra kaufen in der schweiz jeder http://druckerprofi.com/kirsa/erfahrungsberichte-cialis-nach-prostatektomie mit viagra wie wirkt sie bestimmte. Reicht zu wie lange braucht eine viagra bis sie wirkt welche klicken. indem viagra kaufen express...

Yeah, I know. You didn't want to hear this one. All the big business blogs and journals talk about how the most successful get more done by noon than most people do all day, and they do it by getting up earlier than the rest of us. It sure sounds impressive - and let's face it, it is impressive. It's also true. I like my sleep as much as the next...

Hopefully, you don’t know what it’s like to be in prison and have your options tightly constrained by an outside agency. But that doesn't mean you don’t have any constraints. Laws, other people, responsibilities… these all constrain your actions by reducing your options for activity. And that’s a good thing – the restraints you’re under also constrain other people, ensuring that you’re protected from the actions of other people. There...

Who are your real teachers and what lessons did they teach you? You will need to read to the end to find who mine are. My philosophy is this: “Education is great, but don’t let it hold you back.” (Sure, you can quote me on that) That statement appears to be more of truism today than ever before, as 25% of post-secondary grads aren't employed in their vocation - and...

Today's lesson isn't the easiest one, but it remains important. You have to take the time and spend the effort to choose your friends wisely, and don't let them get in the way of your dreams. One thing I realized long ago is that I had to leave some friends behind in order to achieve the level of success I desired. At first it was tough to accept, but as...

I have to share this because there is a strong message here. In 2014, I was watching the news about how a Canadian corporation was helping out the victims of a recent storm that struck Canada. They were handing out hundred dollar food cards to help those who lost food in the power outage; however, they ran out and many people didn't get cards even after waiting for hours in...