If At First You Don’t Succeed….
Let me lay it out straight for you - you're going to fail. Sounds harsh, doesn't it? But it's true. At some point, in some way, you're going to fail. And I'm going to fail. Any human being...

7 Habits of Highly Effective Becoming an Entrepreneur: Transform Your Business and Life Today!
What if we told you that the secret to entrepreneurial success lies not in your product, your strategy, or your network but in your habits? Sounds radical, doesn't it? Yet, it's true. These 7 Habits have the power...

What Does an Investor Do? What Are the Different Types?
At David T Rosen, we understand that investing can be intimidating for many individuals. That's why we're here to help simplify the process by breaking down the basics of investing. In this article, we'll cover everything you need...

CoopCrowd- The World’s First Cooperative Crowdfunding System!
Are you looking for a new way to crowdfund your business or project? Then, look no further than CoopCrowd, the world's first cooperative crowdfunding system. With CoopCrowd, you can connect with a community of like-minded individuals passionate about...

Quality of Life. Does Quality Even Exist Anymore?
How Much Quality of Life Can One Expect? Financial freedom used to be a dream that many people aspired to, now it seems it is more of an unrealistic fantasy. Regular jobs aren’t even covering basic expenses, meaning...

Choosing Your Product: Identify A Need
So you've decided to step out of the 9-5 world and take your first step on your path to PIE. You're motivated. You're focused. You feel ready for anything. You're Muhammad Ali, and the world is Sonny Liston....

Making A Good First Impression
This should really go without saying, but first impressions are tremendously important. In life and business, the first impression you make can go a long way towards establishing how your future dealings, be they personal or professional, with...

Find Your Pace
If you're like me (and you must be at least a little, if you're walking the path to PIE), you are a highly motivated, self-starting individual. You have an unending drive for success. You are tenacious. You have...

Quality Standards: Aim High and Stay High
As I'm sure we've all noticed by now, the quality of products and services available these days is dropping at an alarming rate. Extremely expensive consumer electronics appear engineered to break, call centers where clients expect competent and...

Making It Happen
Recently, I wrote about how important results are. I'd like to expand on that thought a little further, because it's incredibly important to success - in life, and in business. We live in a society made up of...