It's a fact of life that there's always more work to be done. It wouldn't be hard to spend all your waking hours working on your business, and in fact many entrepreneurs do just that - often experiencing serious burnout when they push it too far. It feels good to be hard at work, and entrepreneurs often seem to wear their sleepless nights like badges of honour as a signal...
I've spoken at length about "how" to start a business. That is, after all, the primary focus of this blog. But one thing I haven't really spoken about is "why." Not why you want to start your own business in the first place of course, that speaks for itself, but why you are starting this particular business? While there are any number of explanations, it's my feeling that they all...
Experience is the key to surviving in your path through the maze of regulations, computations, and tribulations that will face you when you set out on your own business venture. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, experience is what you get immediately after you needed it. That's why it's so important to borrow the wisdom of others - and that's what mentoring is all about. Mentoring is a time-honoured tradition in...