10 Must-Have Tools for Entrepreneurs: Boost Your Productivity and Skyrocket Your Business Growth!
Ever felt like you're running in circles with your startup? You're not alone. Every entrepreneur's journey is fraught with challenges. But, don't worry. There's a wealth of resources out there designed to guide you from startup struggles to...

Apps: Connecting With Your Clients
In today's day and age, smartphones are more prevalent than they've ever been. One need only take a look at the people around them as they go about their day to see countless Blackberries, iPhones, and one of...

The Cost of Debt Part 2: Drowning Your Business In Red
Happy Friday everyone! Welcome to the continuation of Wednesday's article on The Cost of Debt. At the end of the article I asked you all to think how having so much interest accumulate on a small debt that...

Make The Most of Your Social Media Accounts
Social media is the single fastest growing method of staying connected with your client base. In today's ultra-connected world, there is no better way to link up with your clients, providing them with useful information, and getting immediate...

You ARE Self-Employed
You’ve probably noticed that we’re big on self-employment around these parts. We know from experience that there is no surer or swifter path to true financial security and independence than securing your own Personal Independent Income, and we’re...

Don’t Sell Yourself Short: Time Is Money
As we're so fond of saying around here, there's an old saying. "Time is money." And it is. Time is definitely money. Time you spend doing other things, is time you could be spending making money. As we've...

Instinct: Going With Your Gut
It is the tendency of far too many people out there to over-analyze things. An idea is put forth, and we immediately run over the possible variables and outcomes in our heads. This is without a doubt an important step...

Contracts: Protect Yourself and Your Business
In the old days, things were a lot simpler. Coming to terms on an agreement was as simple as a handshake and giving your word, and in most cases, people stuck to it. Regrettably, those days are long...

Turning Negatives To Your Advantage
I know I tend to start a lot of posts like this, but there's an old saying. Unfortunately this one I can't repeat verbatim as this is a PG blog, so I will paraphrase it a little. "Stuff...

Finding Your Path
There are millions - perhaps even billions - of business opportunities out there, in just about every industry you can imagine (and some that are yet to be imagined). With so many options, there's no reason why you...