Choosing Your Product: Identify A Need
So you've decided to step out of the 9-5 world and take your first step on your path to PIE. You're motivated. You're focused. You feel ready for anything. You're Muhammad Ali, and the world is Sonny Liston....

The Carrot and The Stick
The concept of the carrot and the stick is something that most people should be familiar with. The earliest recorded use of the phrase was in December 1948 in The Economist magazine. The concept is drawn from the...

Dealing With Debtors
I've spoken at length in a pair of previous articles about what debt can do to a business (in a two part article, found here and here). But what about the other side of the equation? It's one...

Apps: Connecting With Your Clients
In today's day and age, smartphones are more prevalent than they've ever been. One need only take a look at the people around them as they go about their day to see countless Blackberries, iPhones, and one of...

Avoiding Burnout
Burnout is one of the worst things that can happen to any small business owner. Your focus and motivation all but disappear, your desire to work goes out the window, and the thought of getting down to business...

Get Ahead and Stay Ahead: Creating A Time Buffer
Everybody loves having free time. I don't even need a link for a study on that as proof, it's undeniable fact. Every single person, from the unemployed, all the way through the 9-5ers and up to the self-employed...

Going Green: The Paperless Office
Going green is one of the biggest trends in the world right now. A popular topic at summits among world leaders tend to include a lot of debate on cutting carbon emissions and other green initiatives. The film...

What Do You Want From Your Business?
I've spoken at length about "how" to start a business. That is, after all, the primary focus of this blog. But one thing I haven't really spoken about is "why." Not why you want to start your own...

Be Confident!
The title really says it all, doesn't it? There have been numerous studies done over the years that people are more likely to listen to someone who exudes an air of confidence. This is actually proven scientific fact....