One of the best bits of business advice I can possibly give is to prioritize your work. Get the most important, time sensitive stuff finished first, and then work your way down the list. Well, that's today's article. See you all next week! In all seriousness though, when it comes to prioritizing your workday, there isn't much more that needs to be said. But there are other things that are...

Looking at the current weather report, perhaps I should have titled this article "Winter Is Here", but it just doesn't have the same ring to it (nor does it reference Game of Thrones, which is where I shamelessly stole the line from). So, November is here. For many of us that means the temperature is dropping, and the first flurries of snow are beginning to fall. Time to batten down...

A topic that’s seldom come up on this blog before, though one that is incredibly important, is what to do when a business fails. We’ve already established that things will go wrong, and that there’s a good chance that your business might actually fail. We’ve even discussed how to know when it’s time to pack up your things and quit. But it’s not exactly quite so cut and dry as...

Crisis management is a topic that has come up in several forms on my blog before. We've talked about using great customer service to avert disaster, how to properly deal with debtors, building rainy-day funds, and even creating time buffers. All of these are important skills to have should a crisis arise. But there are always more skills to learn on this subject, which is why we're discussing it again....

I think it's a pretty safe bet that most of us in our working lives has had one of those bosses who sits back and doesn't do any of the work themselves. They sit in their office playing on their phones, or otherwise doing anything else but working, while everybody else gets things done. Every so often they'll poke their head out of their little hidey-hole to issue commands (which...

Getting feedback from your customers is the single best way to identify ways in which your business can improve. Looking at it from the inside is all well and good, but you're too close to it, making it hard to identify the real issues that need fixing, or could be improved. This is why getting feedback from your clients is so incredibly important. They aren't directly tied to the business,...

Scalability is a term most commonly associated with computer systems, networks and processes and their ability to handle increased usage, or be expanded to handle that growth. The term can also be applied to businesses, and their ability to handle a sudden influx of additional work. I spoke before about expanding out of your home into a proper office to meet your growing needs, but what about your business on...

It should come as no surprise that a majority of the developed world’s workers would prefer to be their own boss. If you’re reading this blog, you’re no doubt interested in the same thing. The reasons are as many and varied as there are people. In Europe, increased profit potential is frequently listed in business polls on the topic; in the United States, personal freedom is usually the number one...
Today marks a bit of a sad day for my team and I, as two of my team members say farewell and step out onto their own paths to independent financial success. Tim, who I wrote about here, and Shane, who has worked as a content provider and has been an excellent source of ideas (and the vast majority of pop culture references) found across this blog, are leaving us...

We’ve all heard the news. Europe is sliding back into a recession as its economic elites continue to slash any spending that benefits the average citizen. In America, the Republicans have voted consistently to end Medicare and may gain enough power in the 2012 elections to achieve their aims. And Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party has floated the idea of slashing retirement benefits for future generations (though not, it...