How Loyalty Cards Cultivated Brand Loyalty: 7 Strategies That Still Work
Ever wondered why you're so hooked on those little plastic cards in your wallet? They're not just cards, they're your ticket to a world of rewards and savings. Welcome to the world of loyalty cards. They are a...

Find Your Pace
If you're like me (and you must be at least a little, if you're walking the path to PIE), you are a highly motivated, self-starting individual. You have an unending drive for success. You are tenacious. You have...

What Do You Want From Your Business?
I've spoken at length about "how" to start a business. That is, after all, the primary focus of this blog. But one thing I haven't really spoken about is "why." Not why you want to start your own...

Choosing Your Battleground
When starting up a business and coming up with a plan of attack, there are numerous factors you have to take into account. Many of these have a dollar figure involved, such as operating costs, manufacturing, design, website...

Letting A Team Member Go
I talk a lot about the importance of having a good team working with you. And with good reason. While there are plenty of business ventures you can undertake completely by yourself, most will require you to work...

The Cost of Debt Part 1: The 19 Year Money Hole
I find debt to be a terrifying word, and with good reason. To anyone who's in it for themselves to earn money their own way, the idea of owing a dime of it to someone else, be it...