Know Your Power

Power is the sort of word that everyone defines a little differently. The issue is complicated by the many different kinds of power available; people tend to think first about positional power (for example, the Presidency is a position with a lot of power). One commonality to each definition, however, is that power includes the ability to get things done.

To be effective, you need to know what kind of power you have available to you, above and beyond any power that may be accorded to you by your position. You might have strong communications power – you know what to say to get things done. You might have very goal-oriented mentality that enables you to buckled down and focus; this too is a form of power.

By understanding the power you have availably, you maximize your ability to get things done, which is a cornerstone of entrepreneurial success. It doesn’t matter how good your ideas are if you can’t get things done. Take an assessment of your power, and don’t be afraid to ask your friends and colleagues for their input on where your power rests. It can be hard to get away from your own preconceptions of yourself, but acquaintances – especially people with whom you interact in a business context – are used to being on the other end of your power and they’ll know exactly what flavour it is from dealing with it. That knowledge will help you to determine where best to press forward in your own endeavours, and where you might be better served asking for help. Knowing your own power can help you get things done – and that is its own form of power as well!